Hi! My name is Dr Nisha Khanna.
Pre and Post Marriage Counsellor in Delhi NCR.

Twice TEDx Speaker, Celebrity Psychologist, Trained Marriage and Family Counsellor, Certified Couple Facilitator, Certified in Compatibility Testing, Certified in EQ Testing,  Certified EQ Assessor, Certified Brain Profiler, Blogger, Radio and TV Panelist, Motivational Speaker and so on.

As Featured In:
Tedx Speaker Dr. Nisha Khanna Psychologist in delhi ncr
DR. NIsha Khanna featured in Republic bharat Channel
Dr. Nisha Khanna a psychologist in delhi NCR featured in AAJ TAK
Marraigecounsellordelhi featured in The Time of India
Marraigecounsellordelhi featured in CNN News18
Marraigecounsellordelhi featured in Dainik Bhaskar

With over 22 years of experience, I have helped more than 30,000 clients through personalized therapy and conducted 350+ workshops globally. My diverse client base includes doctors, media professionals, models, pilots, and service personnel. Additionally, I have had the privilege of working with individuals from around the world.

Dr. Nisha Khanna providing marriage counselling to a couple in Delhi NCR.

About Me

Dr Nisha Khanna has been a Celebrity Psychologist for the past two decades. She is one of the leading Marriage and Family counsellors in Delhi NCR. She assists individuals and couples from every walk of life. She offered assistance with the professional and personal related needs of individuals, she has worked with couples to help them regain their marriages. Her clients include people from Hollywood, Bollywood, Pol­it­ic­ian­s, Foreigners, Gazetted Officers, People from Ministry, Business Tycoons, Entrepreneurs, In­dust­r­ial­ists­, University Owners, Mall Owners, Importers’ n E­x­por­t­e­r.Lots of people from the T.V. and Fashion Industries, Sports Athletes, CEOs or MD., Writers, Photographers, Restaurant Owners, and Busin­e­ssm­e­n­ are among her clients. A list of Doctors,  M­e­dia Pe­r­son­, Models, Radio Jockeys’, Pilots, People from the Army, Navy and Airforce, Se­r­vic­e­m­e­n­, St­ude­n­t­s, C­ar­e­e­r­ Aspir­an­t­s, Housewives are her clients. She has a list of clients not even from Delhi but all over the World.


Years of Experience

Awards & Honors

Counselling Services

Eq Testing counselling session with expert marriage counsellor Dr. Nisha Khanna.

Depression Counselling

Depression can hamper the overall well-being of an individual. Seeking help will help you become more aware.

Depression counsellor in DELHI NCR India

Individual Counselling

In today’s time when stress levels are pretty high, Individual Counselling is beneficial as it allows individuals to explore.

Marriage counselling session with expert marriage counsellor Dr. Nisha Khanna.

Pre-marital Counselling

Pre-Marital Counselling becomes essential as it impacts our happiness or misery. So, select your life partner wisely.

marraige counselling session with Dr. Nisha Khanna.

Marriage Counselling

The sessions tend to focus on helping the clients deal with conflicts. The marriage counsellor helps the client to gain insight.

marraige counselling session with Dr. Nisha Khanna.

Family Counselling

Every family tends to have minor problems now and then among themselves. But many times, when the family.

Eq Testing counselling session with expert marriage counsellor Dr. Nisha Khanna.

EQ Testing

Emotions play a significant role in leading a successful life. Many times it happens that we might have a lot of knowledge.

Celebrity Psychologist

I want to thank all my clients who have shared their struggles intimately and trusted my assistance in their journey – Dr Nisha Khanna (PhD)

Select the Best Option For You

“Relationship is a part of Life, Not your Whole Life”– Dr Nisha Khanna(PhD)

Personal Counselling

Couple Counselling

Online Counselling

The Latest Articles from the Blog

Read various Counselling and Psychology related Articles from our Blog Section

marraige counselling session with Dr. Nisha Khanna.
How to do Online Marriage Counselling ?

Dr Nisha Khanna is one of the leading Marriage Counsellors in Delhi. She offers telephone or online marriage counselling in relationships to couples in need.

Eq Testing counselling session with expert marriage counsellor Dr. Nisha Khanna.
How to Treat Depression without Medicine?

There are multiple approaches to handling depression. Dr Nisha Khanna is the leading psychologist for depression in Delhi NCR

Best Pre-marital Counsellor in Delhi NCR

Need to visitor Marriage Counselling.

Marriage Counselling is a type of Counselling which helps couples to rebuild relationships. Different from Mental health treatment,